1. Forgiveness is for you. The resentment you feel towards another who has caused you hurt, harms you not them. It's like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy.
2. The aramaic word for FORGIVE literally means UNTIE. Your anger and/or resentment has tied you to the person who hurt you. Freeing yourself through forgiveness is like freeing yourself from your chains of bondage to that person. Forgiveness is for you.
3. Stop telling the story. The more you tell of story of the transgression, the more you drive a stake into the ground that keeps you anchored to your hurt. Choose a different narrative. Tell a different story. This will free you from playing the role of the "wronged person" or victim.
Forgiveness is a choice which may need to be elected over and over again. It requires fortitude, resilience and a belief in your ability to transform. It takes time and compassion of/for oneself. It is both incredibly difficult and at the same time the simplest, most loving, freeing action that exists.
Where can you cultivate more forgiveness today? What deeper forgiveness can you stretch into?